





		grouping sets
    	销售主题统计宽表--简易模型分析 知识点:grouping sets
    	销售主题统计宽表--复杂模型分析 知识点:row_number去重
	掌握grouping sets等函数的功能、应用

聚合函数增强--grouping sets介绍与使用

  • 背景
    • 数据环境准备
use test;

create table test.t_user(
    month string, 
    day string, 
    userid string) 
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';

  • 需求


目标表:month   day   cnt_nums

 + 月
--3个分组统计而已,简单。统计完再使用union all合并结果集。
--注意union all合并结果集需要各个查询返回字段个数、类型一致,因此需要合理的使用null来填充返回结果。
    count(userid) as user_cnt
from test.t_user
group by month, day

union all

    null as month,
    count(userid) as user_cnt
from test.t_user
group by  day

union  all

    null as day,
    count(userid) as user_cnt
from test.t_user
group by  month;
  • 执行结果如下





2^10  * 1    条select查询 union all?????

  • grouping sets功能

根据不同的维度组合进行聚合,等价于将不同维度的GROUP BY结果集进行UNION ALL。

from test.t_user 
    group by month,day 
grouping sets (month,day,(month,day));

1、使用grouping sets,执行结果与使用多个分组查询union合并结果集一样
2、grouping sets查询速度吊打分组查询结果union all。大家可以使用explain执行计划查看两条sql的执行逻辑差异。
3、使用grouping sets只会对表进行一次扫描

  • hive中grouping sets语法

https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/Enhanced+Aggregation%2C+Cube%2C+Grouping+and+Rollup#EnhancedAggregation,Cube,GroupingandRollup-GROUPINGSETSclauseopen in new window


特别注意:Presto的grouping sets语法和hive略有差异

---下面这个是Hive SQL语法支持
from test.t_user 
    group by month,day 
grouping sets (month,day,(month,day));

----下面这个是Presto SQL语法支持
from test.t_user 
    group by
grouping sets (month,day,(month,day));

--区别就是在presto的语法中,group by后面不要再加上字段了。


  • cube
    • cube翻译过来叫做立方体,data cubes就是数据立方体。
    • cube的功能:实现多个任意维度的查询。也可以理解为所有维度组合。



  • 语法
-- cube的语法在hive和presto中是通用的

select month,day,count(userid)
from test.t_user
group by
cube (month, day);  -- (month, day) ,month,day,() 如果有n个字段,则就是分组个数是2的n次方

select month,day,count(userid)
from test.t_user
group by
grouping sets ((month,day), month, day, ());
  • rollup
    • 语法功能:实现从右到左递减多级的统计,显示统计某一层次结构的聚合。

即:rollup(a,b,c)等价于grouping sets((a,b,c),(a,b),(a),())。


grouping sets((日期,城市,商圈),(日期,城市),(日期),())。

grouping sets((),(日期),(日期,城市),(日期,城市,商圈))。 !!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- rollup的语法在hive和presto中是通用的

select month,day,count(userid)
from test.t_user
group by
rollup (month,day);

select month,day,count(userid)
from test.t_user
group by
grouping sets ((month,day), (month), ());


  • 功能:使用grouping操作来判断当前数据是按照哪个字段来分组的。


  • 例子
--为了计算高效 切换至Presto引擎中进行计算

select month,
       grouping(month)      as m,
       grouping(day)        as d,
       grouping(month, day) as m_d
from test.t_user
group by
   grouping sets (month, day, (month, day));
  • 解释说明


grouping(month, day)是grouping(month)、grouping(day)二进制数值组合后转换得到的数字:
a. 按照month分组,则month=0,day=1,组合后为01,二进制转换为十进制得到数字1;
b. 按照day分组,则month=1,day=0,组合后为10,二进制转换为十进制得到数字2;
c. 同时按照month和day分组,则month=0,day=0,组合后为00,二进制转换为十进制得到数字0。



  • 新零售数仓分层图
  • DWS
    • 名称:数据服务层  service
    • 功能:按主题划分,形成日统计的宽表,轻度汇总提前聚合操作。
    • 解释:轻度提前聚合说的是先聚合出日的指标,后续可以上卷出周、月、年的指标。



  • 使用DataGrip在Hive中创建dws层


drop database if exists yp_dws cascade ;
create database if not exists yp_dws;


  • 主题需求
    • 指标

--共计: 16个指标
  • 维度

--共计:  8个维度
--cube所有组合:  2^8=256个

  • 本主题需要维度组合




  • 总计需要计算的指标




  • Hive中建表


CREATE TABLE yp_dws.dws_sale_daycount(
   city_id string COMMENT '城市id',
   city_name string COMMENT '城市name',
   trade_area_id string COMMENT '商圈id',
   trade_area_name string COMMENT '商圈名称',
   store_id string COMMENT '店铺的id',
   store_name string COMMENT '店铺名称',
   brand_id string COMMENT '品牌id',
   brand_name string COMMENT '品牌名称',
   max_class_id string COMMENT '商品大类id',
   max_class_name string COMMENT '大类名称',
   mid_class_id string COMMENT '中类id',
   mid_class_name string COMMENT '中类名称',
   min_class_id string COMMENT '小类id',
   min_class_name string COMMENT '小类名称',
   group_type string COMMENT '分组类型:store,trade_area,city,brand,min_class,mid_class,max_class,all',
   --   =======日统计=======
   --   销售收入
   sale_amt DECIMAL(38,2) COMMENT '销售收入',
   --   平台收入
   plat_amt DECIMAL(38,2) COMMENT '平台收入',
   -- 配送成交额
   deliver_sale_amt DECIMAL(38,2) COMMENT '配送成交额',
   -- 小程序成交额
   mini_app_sale_amt DECIMAL(38,2) COMMENT '小程序成交额',
   -- 安卓APP成交额
   android_sale_amt DECIMAL(38,2) COMMENT '安卓APP成交额',
   --  苹果APP成交额
   ios_sale_amt DECIMAL(38,2) COMMENT '苹果APP成交额',
   -- PC商城成交额
   pcweb_sale_amt DECIMAL(38,2) COMMENT 'PC商城成交额',
   -- 成交单量
   order_cnt BIGINT COMMENT '成交单量',
   -- 参评单量
   eva_order_cnt BIGINT COMMENT '参评单量comment=>cmt',
   -- 差评单量
   bad_eva_order_cnt BIGINT COMMENT '差评单量negtive-comment=>ncmt',
   -- 配送成交单量
   deliver_order_cnt BIGINT COMMENT '配送单量',
   -- 退款单量
   refund_order_cnt BIGINT COMMENT '退款单量',
   -- 小程序成交单量
   miniapp_order_cnt BIGINT COMMENT '小程序成交单量',
   -- 安卓APP订单量
   android_order_cnt BIGINT COMMENT '安卓APP订单量',
   -- 苹果APP订单量
   ios_order_cnt BIGINT COMMENT '苹果APP订单量',
   -- PC商城成交单量
   pcweb_order_cnt BIGINT COMMENT 'PC商城成交单量'
COMMENT '销售主题日统计宽表'
ROW format delimited fields terminated BY '\t'
stored AS orc tblproperties ('orc.compress' = 'SNAPPY');




  • 需求
    • 订单宽表t_order_detail
create table test.t_order_detail(
    oid string comment '订单ID',
    goods_id string comment '商品ID',
    o_price int comment '订单总金额',
    g_num int comment '商品数量',
    g_price int comment '商品单价',
    brand_id string comment '品牌ID',
    dt string comment '日期'
) comment '订单详情宽表_简易模型'
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';

  • 需求
    • 指标:订单量、销售额
    • 维度:日期、日期+品牌
  • 计算出结果
  • 实现思路(在presto中计算)


  • step1:统计每天的订单量、销售额
  count(distinct oid) as "订单量",
  sum(g_price) as "销售额"
from test.t_order_detail
group by dt;
  • step2:统计每天每个品牌的订单量、销售额
  count(distinct oid) as "各品牌订单量",
  sum(g_price) as "各品牌销售额"
from test.t_order_detail
group by dt,brand_id;
  • step3:union all合并两个查询结果集
  dt as "日期",
  null as "品牌id",
  count(distinct oid) as "订单量",
  null as "各品牌订单量",
  sum(g_price) as "销售额",
  null as "各品牌销售额",
  1 as group_id
from test.t_order_detail
group by dt
union all
  dt as "日期",
  brand_id as "品牌id",
  null as "订单量",
  count(distinct oid) as "各品牌订单量",
  null as "销售额",
  sum(g_price) as "各品牌销售额",
  2 as group_id
from test.t_order_detail
group by dt,brand_id;

销售主题宽表--简易模型分析(grouping sets增强聚合)

思路:采用grouping sets增强聚合计算,并且使用grouping函数判断分组中是否包含字段。


  • sql实现
count(distinct oid),
from test.t_order_detail
group by grouping sets(dt,(dt,brand_id));

  • sql最终实现

可以考虑使用grouping函数判断分组中是否包含指定的字段,并且配合case when进行转换。


    dt as "日期",
    case when grouping(brand_id) =0
        then brand_id
    else null end as "品牌id",  -- 第二列,如果分组中有品牌id,就显示,没有就null
    count(distinct oid) as "订单量",
from test.t_order_detail
group by grouping sets(dt,(dt,brand_id));

    dt as "日期",
    case when grouping(brand_id) =0  --判断是否包含brand_id
        then brand_id
        else null end as "品牌id",
    case when grouping(dt,brand_id) =1 --只包含日期 就是订单量
        then count(distinct oid)
        else null end as "订单量",
    case when grouping(brand_id) =0 --包含品牌 就是各品牌订单量
        then count(distinct oid)
        else null end as "各品牌订单量",
    case when grouping(brand_id) =1 --没有品牌,就是销售额
        then sum(g_price)
        else null end as "销售额",
    case when grouping(brand_id) =0 --包含品牌,就是各个品牌销售额
        then sum(g_price)
        else null end as "各品牌销售额",
    case when grouping(brand_id) = 1 --没有品牌 就是分组1 否则就是2
        then 1
        else 2 end as group_id
from test.t_order_detail
group by grouping sets(dt,(dt,brand_id));


  • 项目订单宽表梳理



    count (order_id) as nums
from yp_dwb.dwb_order_detail
group by order_id
order by nums desc limit 10;

select * from yp_dwb.dwb_order_detail where order_id = 'dd190227318021f41f';
  • 问题

上述简易模型中,数据是没有重复的,直接grouping sets 统计没有问题;



create table test.t_order_detail_dup(
    oid string comment '订单ID',
    goods_id string comment '商品ID',
    o_price int comment '订单总金额',
    g_num int comment '商品数量',
    g_price int comment '商品单价',
    brand_id string comment '品牌ID',
    dt string comment '日期'
) comment '订单详情宽表_复杂模型'
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';

  • 实现思路

1、ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY 需要去重字段 ) ,这样相同的就会分到一组;


  • 比如只以订单oid去重
    row_number() over(partition by oid) as rn1
from test.t_order_detail_dup;

with tmp as (select
    row_number() over(partition by oid) as rn1
from test.t_order_detail_dup)
select * from tmp where rn1 = 1;
  • 以订单oid+品牌brand_id去重
    row_number() over(partition by oid,brand_id) as rn2
from test.t_order_detail_dup;

with tmp1 as (select
    row_number() over(partition by oid,brand_id) as rn2
from test.t_order_detail_dup)
select * from tmp1 where rn2 = 1;
  • 再比如以订单oid+品牌brand_id+商品goods_id去重
    row_number() over(partition by oid,brand_id,goods_id) as rn3
from test.t_order_detail_dup;

with tmp2 as (select
    row_number() over(partition by oid,brand_id,goods_id) as rn3
from test.t_order_detail_dup)
select * from tmp2 where rn3 = 1;
  • 整合一起
    row_number() over(partition by oid) as rn1,
    row_number() over(partition by oid,brand_id) as rn2,
    row_number() over(partition by oid,brand_id,goods_id) as rn3
from test.t_order_detail_dup;
  • 结论



  • 表关系




select *
from dwb_order_detail o
    left join dwb_goods_detail g on o.goods_id = g.id
    left join dwb_shop_detail s on o.store_id = s.id;
  • 字段抽取



        o.dt as create_date,--日期(注意,分区表的粒度就是按天分区)
		s.city_name, --城市
		s.trade_area_name,  --商圈
		s.id as store_id,
		s.store_name, --店铺
		g.brand_name, --品牌
		g.max_class_name, --商品大类
		g.mid_class_name,-- 商品中类
		o.order_id, --订单id
		o.goods_id, --商品id
		o.order_amount, --订单金额
        o.total_price, --商品金额(商品数量*商品单价)
		o.plat_fee,   --平台分润
		o.dispatcher_money, --配送员的运费
		o.order_from, --订单来源渠道:安卓、苹果....
		o.evaluation_id, --评价单id,不为空表示有评价
		o.geval_scores,  --综合评分,差评的计算
		o.delievery_id, --配送单ID(如果不为null,表示是配送单,其他还有可能是自提、商家配送)
		o.refund_id --退款单id,不为空表示有退款

from dwb_order_detail o
    left join dwb_goods_detail g on o.goods_id = g.id
    left join dwb_shop_detail s on o.store_id = s.id;





  • 以品牌为例
  • 分组去重
row_number() over(partition by order_id) as order_rn,
row_number() over(partition by order_id,g.brand_id) as brand_rn,
row_number() over(partition by order_id,g.max_class_name) as maxclass_rn,
row_number() over(partition by order_id,g.max_class_name,g.mid_class_name) as midclass_rn,
row_number() over(partition by order_id,g.max_class_name,g.mid_class_name,g.min_class_name) as minclass_rn,

row_number() over(partition by order_id,g.brand_id,o.goods_id) as brand_goods_rn,
row_number() over(partition by order_id,g.max_class_name,o.goods_id) as maxclass_goods_rn,
row_number() over(partition by order_id,g.max_class_name,g.mid_class_name,o.goods_id) as midclass_goods_rn,
row_number() over(partition by order_id,g.max_class_name,g.mid_class_name,g.min_class_name,o.goods_id) as minclass_goods_rn

销售主题宽表--step3--grouping sets分组

  • 使用CTE表达式针对上面抽取字段、分组去重的结果进行引导
with  temp as (
    select 抽取字段、row_number去重)

后面的技术主要就是case when+grouoing判断。

  • 根据业务需求进行维度组合,使用grouping sets进行分组。
with  temp as (
    select 抽取字段、row_number去重)

from temp
group by
    grouping sets(
        create_date, --日期
        (create_date,city_id,city_name,trade_area_id,trade_area_name,store_id,store_name), --日期+城市+商圈+店铺



case when grouping(city_id) = 0   --如果分组中包含city_id 则grouping为0 那么就返回city_id
		then city_id
		else null end as city_id ,
	case when grouping(city_id) = 0
		then city_name
		else null end as city_name ,
	case when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0--商圈
		then trade_area_id
		else null end as trade_area_id ,
	case when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
		then trade_area_name
		else null end as trade_area_name ,
	case when grouping(store_id) = 0 --店铺
		then store_id
		else null end as store_id ,
	case when grouping(store_id) = 0
		then store_name
		else null end as store_name ,
	case when grouping(brand_id) = 0 --品牌
		then brand_id
		else null end as brand_id ,
	case when grouping(brand_id) = 0
		then brand_name
		else null end as brand_name ,
	case when grouping(max_class_id) = 0 --大类
		then max_class_id
		else null end as max_class_id ,
	case when grouping(max_class_id) = 0
		then max_class_name
		else null end as max_class_name ,
	case when grouping(mid_class_id) = 0 --中类
		then mid_class_id
		else null end as mid_class_id ,
	case when grouping(mid_class_id) = 0
		then mid_class_name
		else null end as mid_class_name ,
	case when grouping(min_class_id) = 0--小类
		then min_class_id
		else null end as min_class_id ,
	case when grouping(min_class_id) = 0
		then min_class_name
		else null end as min_class_name ,

	case when grouping(store_id,store_name) = 0  --分组类型
		then 'store'
		when grouping(trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
		then 'trade_area'
		when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
		then 'city'
		when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
		then 'brand'
		when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
		then 'min_class'
		when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
		then 'mid_class'
		when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
		then 'max_class'
		when grouping (create_date) = 0
		then 'all'
		else 'other' end as group_type,


	--指标计算 注意每个指标都对应着8个分组维度的计算
	--1、销售收入指标 sale_amt
	case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0  --如果分组中包含店铺,则分组为:日期+城市+商圈+店铺
		then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and store_id is not null ,order_amount,0)) --只有分组中标号为1的(去重),店铺不为空的才参与计算
		--then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and store_id is not null ,coalesce(order_amount,0),0))  --使用coalesce函数更加成熟

		when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0 --日期+城市+商圈
		then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and trade_area_id is not null ,order_amount,0))

		when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0 --日期+城市
		then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and city_id is not null,order_amount,0))

		when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0 --日期+品牌
		then sum(if(brand_goods_rn = 1 and brand_id is not null,total_price,0))

		when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0 --日期+大类+中类+小类
		then sum(if(minclass_goods_rn = 1 and min_class_id is not null ,total_price,0))

		when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0 --日期+大类+中类
		then sum(if(midclass_goods_rn = 1 and mid_class_id is not null,total_price,0))

		when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0 ----日期+大类
		then sum(if(maxclass_goods_rn = 1 and max_class_id is not null ,total_price,0))

		when grouping (create_date) = 0 --日期
		then sum(if(order_rn=1 and create_date is not null,order_amount,0))
	else null end  as sale_amt,


    --2、平台收入 plat_amt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and store_id is not null ,plat_fee,0))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and trade_area_id is not null ,plat_fee,0))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and city_id is not null,plat_fee,0))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then null
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then null
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then null
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then null
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then sum(if(order_rn=1 and create_date is not null,plat_fee,0))
			else null end  as plat_amt ,

	-- 3、配送成交额 deliver_sale_amt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and store_id is not null and delievery_id is not null ,dispatcher_money,0))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and trade_area_id is not null and delievery_id is not null,dispatcher_money,0))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and city_id is not null and delievery_id is not null,dispatcher_money,0))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then null
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then null
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then null
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then null
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then sum(if(order_rn=1 and create_date is not null and delievery_id is not null ,dispatcher_money,0))
			else null end  as deliver_sale_amt ,

	-- 4、小程序成交额 mini_app_sale_amt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and store_id is not null and order_from='miniapp' ,order_amount,0))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from='miniapp',order_amount,0))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and city_id is not null and order_from='miniapp',order_amount,0))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then sum(if(brand_goods_rn = 1 and brand_id is not null and order_from='miniapp',total_price,0))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(minclass_goods_rn = 1 and min_class_id is not null and order_from='miniapp',total_price,0))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(midclass_goods_rn = 1 and mid_class_id is not null and order_from='miniapp',total_price,0))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(maxclass_goods_rn = 1 and max_class_id is not null and order_from='miniapp',total_price,0))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then sum(if(order_rn=1 and create_date is not null and order_from='miniapp',order_amount ,0))
			else null end  as mini_app_sale_amt ,

	-- 5、安卓成交额 android_sale_amt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and store_id is not null and order_from='android' ,order_amount,0))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from='android',order_amount,0))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and city_id is not null and order_from='android',order_amount,0))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then sum(if(brand_goods_rn = 1 and brand_id is not null and order_from='android',total_price,0))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(minclass_goods_rn = 1 and min_class_id is not null and order_from='android',total_price,0))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(midclass_goods_rn = 1 and mid_class_id is not null and order_from='android',total_price,0))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(maxclass_goods_rn = 1 and max_class_id is not null and order_from='android',total_price,0))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then sum(if(order_rn=1 and create_date is not null and order_from='android',order_amount ,0))
			else null end  as android_sale_amt ,

	-- 6、苹果成交额 ios_sale_amt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and store_id is not null and order_from='ios' ,order_amount,0))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from='ios',order_amount,0))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and city_id is not null and order_from='ios',order_amount,0))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then sum(if(brand_goods_rn = 1 and brand_id is not null and order_from='ios',total_price,0))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(minclass_goods_rn = 1 and min_class_id is not null and order_from='ios',total_price,0))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(midclass_goods_rn = 1 and mid_class_id is not null and order_from='ios',total_price,0))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(maxclass_goods_rn = 1 and max_class_id is not null and order_from='ios',total_price,0))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then sum(if(order_rn=1 and create_date is not null and order_from='ios',order_amount ,0))
			else null end  as ios_sale_amt ,

	-- 7、pc成交额 pcweb_sale_amt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and store_id is not null and order_from='pcweb' ,order_amount,0))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from='pcweb',order_amount,0))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and city_id is not null and order_from='pcweb',order_amount,0))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then sum(if(brand_goods_rn = 1 and brand_id is not null and order_from='pcweb',total_price,0))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(minclass_goods_rn = 1 and min_class_id is not null and order_from='pcweb',total_price,0))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(midclass_goods_rn = 1 and mid_class_id is not null and order_from='pcweb',total_price,0))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(maxclass_goods_rn = 1 and max_class_id is not null and order_from='pcweb',total_price,0))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then sum(if(order_rn=1 and create_date is not null and order_from='pcweb',order_amount ,0))
			else null end  as pcweb_sale_amt ,


    -- 8、订单量 order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 , order_id,null))
			else null end  as order_cnt ,

	--9、 参评单量 eva_order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null  and evaluation_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null  and evaluation_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and evaluation_id is not null, order_id,null))
			else null end  as eva_order_cnt ,
	--10、差评单量 bad_eva_order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null and coalesce(geval_scores,0) <6 , order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null and coalesce(geval_scores,0) <6, order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null and coalesce(geval_scores,0) <6, order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null and coalesce(geval_scores,0) <6, order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null and coalesce(geval_scores,0) <6, order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null  and evaluation_id is not null and coalesce(geval_scores,0) <6, order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null  and evaluation_id is not null and coalesce(geval_scores,0) <6, order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and evaluation_id is not null and coalesce(geval_scores,0) <6, order_id,null))
			else null end  as bad_eva_order_cnt ,

	--11、配送单量 deliver_order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null  and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
			else null end  as deliver_order_cnt ,

	--12、退款单量 refund_order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null  and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
			else null end  as refund_order_cnt ,

	-- 13、小程序订单量 miniapp_order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
			else null end  as miniapp_order_cnt ,

	-- 14、android订单量 android_order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
			else null end  as android_order_cnt ,

	-- 15、ios订单量 ios_order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
			else null end  as ios_order_cnt ,

	--16、pcweb订单量 pcweb_order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
			else null end  as pcweb_order_cnt ,


insert into   yp_dws.dws_sale_daycount
select * from(
with temp as (
           o.dt as create_time  ,  --o.dt,

           -- 指标字段:
           o.order_id,                                                -- 订单id 计算订单量
           o.order_amount,                                            -- 订单销售收入
           o.goods_amount,                                            -- 商品销售金额
           o.plat_fee,                                                -- 平台利润
           o.delivery_fee,                                            -- 配送运费
           -- 用于判断的字段
           o.evaluation_id,                                           -- 评价表 id  如果不为null, 说明订单有评价信息的
           o.delievery_id,                                            -- 配送表id
           o.geval_scores,                                            -- 评分信息
           row_number() over (partition by order_id)          as rk1, -- 去重
           row_number() over (partition by order_id,goods_id) as rk2  -- 去重
    from (select * from yp_dwb.dwb_order_detail where is_pay = 1 and order_state not in (1, 7)) as o
             left join yp_dwb.dwb_goods_detail gd on o.goods_id = gd.id
             left join yp_dwb.dwb_shop_detail sd on o.store_id = sd.id
  -- 维度
    case when grouping(store_id) = 0
           then 'store'
         when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
           then 'trade_area'
         when grouping(city_id) = 0
           then 'city'
         when grouping(min_class_id)  = 0
           then 'min_class'
         when grouping(mid_class_id)  = 0
           then 'mid_class'
         when grouping(max_class_id)  = 0
           then 'max_class'
         when grouping(brand_id)  = 0
           then 'brand'
         when grouping(create_time) = 0
           then 'all'
    end as group_type,

   -- 指标
   case when grouping(store_id) = 0    -- 总成交额
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and store_id is not null, coalesce(order_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and trade_area_id is not null, coalesce(order_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(city_id) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and city_id is not null, coalesce(order_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(min_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and min_class_id is not null,coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(mid_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and mid_class_id is not null,coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(max_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and max_class_id is not null,coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(brand_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and brand_id is not null,coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(create_time) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and create_time is not null,coalesce(order_amount,0),0)) -- 日期
   end as sale_amt,

   case when grouping(store_id) = 0    -- 平台收入
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and store_id is not null, coalesce(plat_fee,0),0))
        when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and trade_area_id is not null, coalesce(plat_fee,0),0))
        when grouping(city_id) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and city_id is not null, coalesce(plat_fee,0),0))
        when grouping(min_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and min_class_id is not null,coalesce(plat_fee,0),0))
        when grouping(mid_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and mid_class_id is not null,coalesce(plat_fee,0),0))
        when grouping(max_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and max_class_id is not null,coalesce(plat_fee,0),0))
        when grouping(brand_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and brand_id is not null,coalesce(plat_fee,0),0))
        when grouping(create_time) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and create_time is not null,coalesce(plat_fee,0),0)) -- 日期
   end   as plat_amt,

   case when grouping(store_id) = 0    -- 配送成交额
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and store_id is not null, coalesce(delivery_fee,0),0))
        when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and trade_area_id is not null, coalesce(delivery_fee,0),0))
        when grouping(city_id) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and city_id is not null, coalesce(delivery_fee,0),0))
        when grouping(min_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and min_class_id is not null,coalesce(delivery_fee,0),0))
        when grouping(mid_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and mid_class_id is not null,coalesce(delivery_fee,0),0))
        when grouping(max_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and max_class_id is not null,coalesce(delivery_fee,0),0))
        when grouping(brand_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and brand_id is not null,coalesce(delivery_fee,0),0))
        when grouping(create_time) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and create_time is not null,coalesce(delivery_fee,0),0)) -- 日期
   end   as  deliver_sale_amt,

   case when grouping(store_id) = 0    -- 小程序miniapp成交额
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and store_id is not null and order_from = 'miniapp', coalesce(order_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from = 'miniapp', coalesce(order_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(city_id) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and city_id is not null and order_from = 'miniapp', coalesce(order_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(min_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and min_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'miniapp',coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(mid_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and mid_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'miniapp',coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(max_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and max_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'miniapp',coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(brand_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and brand_id is not null  and order_from = 'miniapp',coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(create_time) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and create_time is not null  and order_from = 'miniapp',coalesce(order_amount,0),0)) -- 日期
   end as   mini_app_sale_amt,

    case when grouping(store_id) = 0    -- android成交额
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and store_id is not null and order_from = 'android', coalesce(order_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from = 'android', coalesce(order_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(city_id) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and city_id is not null and order_from = 'android', coalesce(order_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(min_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and min_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'android',coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(mid_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and mid_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'android',coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(max_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and max_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'android',coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(brand_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and brand_id is not null  and order_from = 'android',coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(create_time) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and create_time is not null  and order_from = 'android',coalesce(order_amount,0),0)) -- 日期
   end as    android_sale_amt,

    case when grouping(store_id) = 0    -- ios成交额
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and store_id is not null and order_from = 'ios', coalesce(order_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from = 'ios', coalesce(order_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(city_id) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and city_id is not null and order_from = 'ios', coalesce(order_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(min_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and min_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'ios',coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(mid_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and mid_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'ios',coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(max_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and max_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'ios',coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(brand_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and brand_id is not null  and order_from = 'ios',coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(create_time) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and create_time is not null  and order_from = 'ios',coalesce(order_amount,0),0)) -- 日期
   end as  ios_sale_amt,

    case when grouping(store_id) = 0    -- pcweb成交额
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and store_id is not null and order_from = 'pcweb', coalesce(order_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from = 'pcweb', coalesce(order_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(city_id) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and city_id is not null and order_from = 'pcweb', coalesce(order_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(min_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and min_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'pcweb',coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(mid_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and mid_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'pcweb',coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(max_class_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and max_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'pcweb',coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(brand_id)  = 0
         then sum(if(rk2 = 1 and brand_id is not null  and order_from = 'pcweb',coalesce(goods_amount,0),0))
        when grouping(create_time) = 0
         then sum(if(rk1 = 1 and create_time is not null  and order_from = 'pcweb',coalesce(order_amount,0),0)) -- 日期
   end as   pcweb_sale_amt,

   case when grouping(store_id) = 0   -- 成交单量
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and store_id is not null , order_id,null))
        when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and trade_area_id is not null , order_id,null))
        when grouping(city_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and city_id is not null , order_id,null))
        when grouping(min_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct  if(rk2 = 1 and min_class_id is not null , order_id,null))
        when grouping(mid_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and mid_class_id is not null  , order_id,null))
        when grouping(max_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and max_class_id is not null  , order_id,null))
        when grouping(brand_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and brand_id is not null  , order_id,null))
        when grouping(create_time) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and create_time is not null  , order_id,null)) -- 日期
   end as   order_cnt,

   case when grouping(store_id) = 0   -- 参评单量
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and store_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null , order_id,null))
        when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and trade_area_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null , order_id,null))
        when grouping(city_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and city_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null, order_id,null))
        when grouping(min_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct  if(rk2 = 1 and min_class_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null, order_id,null))
        when grouping(mid_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and mid_class_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null , order_id,null))
        when grouping(max_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and max_class_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null , order_id,null))
        when grouping(brand_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and brand_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null , order_id,null))
        when grouping(create_time) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and create_time is not null and evaluation_id is not null , order_id,null)) -- 日期
   end as   eva_order_cnt,

 case when grouping(store_id) = 0   -- 差评单量
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and store_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null  and geval_scores < 6 , order_id,null))
        when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and trade_area_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null and geval_scores < 6 , order_id,null))
        when grouping(city_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and city_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null and geval_scores < 6, order_id,null))
        when grouping(min_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct  if(rk2 = 1 and min_class_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null and geval_scores < 6, order_id,null))
        when grouping(mid_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and mid_class_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null and geval_scores < 6 , order_id,null))
        when grouping(max_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and max_class_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null  and geval_scores < 6, order_id,null))
        when grouping(brand_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and brand_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null and geval_scores < 6 , order_id,null))
        when grouping(create_time) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and create_time is not null and evaluation_id is not null and geval_scores < 6 , order_id,null)) -- 日期
   end as    bad_eva_order_cnt,

    case when grouping(store_id) = 0   -- 配送单量
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and store_id is not null and delievery_id is not null , order_id,null))
        when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and trade_area_id is not null  and delievery_id is not null , order_id,null))
        when grouping(city_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and city_id is not null  and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
        when grouping(min_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct  if(rk2 = 1 and min_class_id is not null  and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
        when grouping(mid_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and mid_class_id is not null and delievery_id is not null , order_id,null))
        when grouping(max_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and max_class_id is not null and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
        when grouping(brand_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and brand_id is not null and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
        when grouping(create_time) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and create_time is not null and delievery_id is not null , order_id,null)) -- 日期
   end as    deliver_order_cnt,

 case when grouping(store_id) = 0   -- 退款单量
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and store_id is not null and refund_id is not null , order_id,null))
        when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and trade_area_id is not null  and refund_id is not null , order_id,null))
        when grouping(city_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and city_id is not null  and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
        when grouping(min_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct  if(rk2 = 1 and min_class_id is not null  and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
        when grouping(mid_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and mid_class_id is not null and refund_id is not null , order_id,null))
        when grouping(max_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and max_class_id is not null and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
        when grouping(brand_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and brand_id is not null and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
        when grouping(create_time) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and create_time is not null and refund_id is not null , order_id,null)) -- 日期
   end as    refund_order_cnt,   -- 退款单量

 case when grouping(store_id) = 0   -- 小程序成交单量
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and store_id is not null and order_from = 'miniapp' , order_id,null))
        when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and trade_area_id is not null  and order_from = 'miniapp' , order_id,null))
        when grouping(city_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and city_id is not null  and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
        when grouping(min_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct  if(rk2 = 1 and min_class_id is not null   and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
        when grouping(mid_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and mid_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'miniapp' , order_id,null))
        when grouping(max_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and max_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
        when grouping(brand_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and brand_id is not null   and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
        when grouping(create_time) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and create_time is not null  and order_from = 'miniapp' , order_id,null)) -- 日期
   end as  miniapp_order_cnt,
  case when grouping(store_id) = 0  -- 安卓APP订单量
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and store_id is not null and order_from = 'android' , order_id,null))
        when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and trade_area_id is not null  and order_from = 'android' , order_id,null))
        when grouping(city_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and city_id is not null  and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
        when grouping(min_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct  if(rk2 = 1 and min_class_id is not null   and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
        when grouping(mid_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and mid_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'android' , order_id,null))
        when grouping(max_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and max_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
        when grouping(brand_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and brand_id is not null   and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
        when grouping(create_time) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and create_time is not null  and order_from = 'android' , order_id,null)) -- 日期
   end as   android_order_cnt,
 case when grouping(store_id) = 0  -- ios订单量
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and store_id is not null and order_from = 'ios' , order_id,null))
        when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and trade_area_id is not null  and order_from = 'ios' , order_id,null))
        when grouping(city_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and city_id is not null  and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
        when grouping(min_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct  if(rk2 = 1 and min_class_id is not null   and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
        when grouping(mid_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and mid_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'ios' , order_id,null))
        when grouping(max_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and max_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
        when grouping(brand_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and brand_id is not null   and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
        when grouping(create_time) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and create_time is not null  and order_from = 'ios' , order_id,null)) -- 日期
   end as    ios_order_cnt,
    case when grouping(store_id) = 0  -- ios订单量
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and store_id is not null and order_from = 'pcweb' , order_id,null))
        when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and trade_area_id is not null  and order_from = 'pcweb' , order_id,null))
        when grouping(city_id) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and city_id is not null  and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
        when grouping(min_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct  if(rk2 = 1 and min_class_id is not null   and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
        when grouping(mid_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and mid_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'pcweb' , order_id,null))
        when grouping(max_class_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and max_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
        when grouping(brand_id)  = 0
         then count(distinct if(rk2 = 1 and brand_id is not null   and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
        when grouping(create_time) = 0
         then count(if(rk1 = 1 and create_time is not null  and order_from = 'pcweb' , order_id,null)) -- 日期
   end as    pcweb_order_cnt,     -- PC商城成交单量
    create_time as dt
from temp
group by
grouping sets(
insert into  hive.yp_dws.dws_sale_daycount
with temp as (select
    o.dt as create_date,  --日期
    s.id as store_id,
    g.brand_name, --品牌
    g.min_class_name, --商品小类

    o.order_id, --订单ID
    o.goods_id, --商品ID

    o.plat_fee, --平台分润

    o.geval_scores, --订单评分(用于计算差评)
    o.delievery_id, --配送单ID(如果不为null,表示是配送单,其他还有可能是自提、商家配送)
    o.refund_id, --退款单ID(如果不为null,表示有退款)

    row_number() over(partition by order_id) as order_rn,
    row_number() over(partition by order_id,g.brand_id) as brand_rn,
    row_number() over(partition by order_id,g.max_class_name) as maxclass_rn,
    row_number() over(partition by order_id,g.max_class_name,g.mid_class_name) as midclass_rn,
    row_number() over(partition by order_id,g.max_class_name,g.mid_class_name,g.min_class_name) as minclass_rn,

    row_number() over(partition by order_id,g.brand_id,o.goods_id) as brand_goods_rn,
    row_number() over(partition by order_id,g.max_class_name,o.goods_id) as maxclass_goods_rn,
    row_number() over(partition by order_id,g.max_class_name,g.mid_class_name,o.goods_id) as midclass_goods_rn,
    row_number() over(partition by order_id,g.max_class_name,g.mid_class_name,g.min_class_name,o.goods_id) as minclass_goods_rn

from dwb_order_detail o
    left join dwb_goods_detail g on o.goods_id = g.id
    left join dwb_shop_detail s on o.store_id = s.id)

    --查询出来的字段个数、顺序、类型要和待插入表的一致  dws_sale_daycount
   case when grouping(city_id) = 0   --如果分组中包含city_id 则grouping为0 那么就返回city_id
		then city_id
		else null end as city_id ,
	case when grouping(city_id) = 0
		then city_name
		else null end as city_name ,
	case when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0--商圈
		then trade_area_id
		else null end as trade_area_id ,
	case when grouping(trade_area_id) = 0
		then trade_area_name
		else null end as trade_area_name ,
	case when grouping(store_id) = 0 --店铺
		then store_id
		else null end as store_id ,
	case when grouping(store_id) = 0
		then store_name
		else null end as store_name ,
	case when grouping(brand_id) = 0 --品牌
		then brand_id
		else null end as brand_id ,
	case when grouping(brand_id) = 0
		then brand_name
		else null end as brand_name ,
	case when grouping(max_class_id) = 0 --大类
		then max_class_id
		else null end as max_class_id ,
	case when grouping(max_class_id) = 0
		then max_class_name
		else null end as max_class_name ,
	case when grouping(mid_class_id) = 0 --中类
		then mid_class_id
		else null end as mid_class_id ,
	case when grouping(mid_class_id) = 0
		then mid_class_name
		else null end as mid_class_name ,
	case when grouping(min_class_id) = 0--小类
		then min_class_id
		else null end as min_class_id ,
	case when grouping(min_class_id) = 0
		then min_class_name
		else null end as min_class_name ,

	case when grouping(store_id,store_name) = 0  --分组类型
		then 'store'
		when grouping(trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
		then 'trade_area'
		when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
		then 'city'
		when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
		then 'brand'
		when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
		then 'min_class'
		when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
		then 'mid_class'
		when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
		then 'max_class'
		when grouping (create_date) = 0
		then 'all'
		else 'other' end as group_type,

	--指标计算 注意每个指标都对应着8个分组维度的计算
	--1、销售收入指标 sale_amt
	case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0  --如果分组中包含店铺,则分组为:日期+城市+商圈+店铺
		then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and store_id is not null ,order_amount,0)) --只有分组中标号为1的(去重),店铺不为空的才参与计算
		--then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and store_id is not null ,coalesce(order_amount,0),0))  --使用coalesce函数更加成熟

		when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0 --日期+城市+商圈
		then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and trade_area_id is not null ,order_amount,0))

		when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0 --日期+城市
		then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and city_id is not null,order_amount,0))

		when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0 --日期+品牌
		then sum(if(brand_goods_rn = 1 and brand_id is not null,total_price,0))

		when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0 --日期+大类+中类+小类
		then sum(if(minclass_goods_rn = 1 and min_class_id is not null ,total_price,0))

		when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0 --日期+大类+中类
		then sum(if(midclass_goods_rn = 1 and mid_class_id is not null,total_price,0))

		when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0 ----日期+大类
		then sum(if(maxclass_goods_rn = 1 and max_class_id is not null ,total_price,0))

		when grouping (create_date) = 0 --日期
		then sum(if(order_rn=1 and create_date is not null,order_amount,0))
	else null end  as sale_amt,

    --2、平台收入 plat_amt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and store_id is not null ,plat_fee,0))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and trade_area_id is not null ,plat_fee,0))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and city_id is not null,plat_fee,0))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then null
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then null
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then null
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then null
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then sum(if(order_rn=1 and create_date is not null,plat_fee,0))
			else null end  as plat_amt ,

	-- 3、配送成交额 deliver_sale_amt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and store_id is not null and delievery_id is not null ,dispatcher_money,0))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and trade_area_id is not null and delievery_id is not null,dispatcher_money,0))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and city_id is not null and delievery_id is not null,dispatcher_money,0))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then null
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then null
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then null
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then null
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then sum(if(order_rn=1 and create_date is not null and delievery_id is not null ,dispatcher_money,0))
			else null end  as deliver_sale_amt ,

	-- 4、小程序成交额 mini_app_sale_amt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and store_id is not null and order_from='miniapp' ,order_amount,0))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from='miniapp',order_amount,0))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and city_id is not null and order_from='miniapp',order_amount,0))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then sum(if(brand_goods_rn = 1 and brand_id is not null and order_from='miniapp',total_price,0))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(minclass_goods_rn = 1 and min_class_id is not null and order_from='miniapp',total_price,0))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(midclass_goods_rn = 1 and mid_class_id is not null and order_from='miniapp',total_price,0))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(maxclass_goods_rn = 1 and max_class_id is not null and order_from='miniapp',total_price,0))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then sum(if(order_rn=1 and create_date is not null and order_from='miniapp',order_amount ,0))
			else null end  as mini_app_sale_amt ,

	-- 5、安卓成交额 android_sale_amt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and store_id is not null and order_from='android' ,order_amount,0))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from='android',order_amount,0))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and city_id is not null and order_from='android',order_amount,0))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then sum(if(brand_goods_rn = 1 and brand_id is not null and order_from='android',total_price,0))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(minclass_goods_rn = 1 and min_class_id is not null and order_from='android',total_price,0))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(midclass_goods_rn = 1 and mid_class_id is not null and order_from='android',total_price,0))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(maxclass_goods_rn = 1 and max_class_id is not null and order_from='android',total_price,0))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then sum(if(order_rn=1 and create_date is not null and order_from='android',order_amount ,0))
			else null end  as android_sale_amt ,

	-- 6、苹果成交额 ios_sale_amt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and store_id is not null and order_from='ios' ,order_amount,0))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from='ios',order_amount,0))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and city_id is not null and order_from='ios',order_amount,0))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then sum(if(brand_goods_rn = 1 and brand_id is not null and order_from='ios',total_price,0))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(minclass_goods_rn = 1 and min_class_id is not null and order_from='ios',total_price,0))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(midclass_goods_rn = 1 and mid_class_id is not null and order_from='ios',total_price,0))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(maxclass_goods_rn = 1 and max_class_id is not null and order_from='ios',total_price,0))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then sum(if(order_rn=1 and create_date is not null and order_from='ios',order_amount ,0))
			else null end  as ios_sale_amt ,

	-- 7、pc成交额 pcweb_sale_amt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and store_id is not null and order_from='pcweb' ,order_amount,0))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from='pcweb',order_amount,0))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then sum(if( order_rn = 1 and city_id is not null and order_from='pcweb',order_amount,0))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then sum(if(brand_goods_rn = 1 and brand_id is not null and order_from='pcweb',total_price,0))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(minclass_goods_rn = 1 and min_class_id is not null and order_from='pcweb',total_price,0))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(midclass_goods_rn = 1 and mid_class_id is not null and order_from='pcweb',total_price,0))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then sum(if(maxclass_goods_rn = 1 and max_class_id is not null and order_from='pcweb',total_price,0))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then sum(if(order_rn=1 and create_date is not null and order_from='pcweb',order_amount ,0))
			else null end  as pcweb_sale_amt ,

    -- 8、订单量 order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 , order_id,null))
			else null end  as order_cnt ,

	--9、 参评单量 eva_order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null , order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null  and evaluation_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null  and evaluation_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and evaluation_id is not null, order_id,null))
			else null end  as eva_order_cnt ,
	--10、差评单量 bad_eva_order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null and coalesce(geval_scores,0) <6 , order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null and coalesce(geval_scores,0) <6, order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null and coalesce(geval_scores,0) <6, order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null and coalesce(geval_scores,0) <6, order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null and evaluation_id is not null and coalesce(geval_scores,0) <6, order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null  and evaluation_id is not null and coalesce(geval_scores,0) <6, order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null  and evaluation_id is not null and coalesce(geval_scores,0) <6, order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and evaluation_id is not null and coalesce(geval_scores,0) <6, order_id,null))
			else null end  as bad_eva_order_cnt ,

	--11、配送单量 deliver_order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null  and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and delievery_id is not null, order_id,null))
			else null end  as deliver_order_cnt ,

	--12、退款单量 refund_order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null  and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and refund_id is not null, order_id,null))
			else null end  as refund_order_cnt ,

	-- 13、小程序订单量 miniapp_order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and order_from = 'miniapp', order_id,null))
			else null end  as miniapp_order_cnt ,

	-- 14、android订单量 android_order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and order_from = 'android', order_id,null))
			else null end  as android_order_cnt ,

	-- 15、ios订单量 ios_order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and order_from = 'ios', order_id,null))
			else null end  as ios_order_cnt ,

	--16、pcweb订单量 pcweb_order_cnt
		case when grouping(store_id,store_name) =0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and store_id is not null and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
			when grouping (trade_area_id ,trade_area_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and trade_area_id is not null and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
			when grouping (city_id,city_name) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and city_id is not null and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
			when grouping (brand_id,brand_name) = 0
			then count(if(brand_rn=1 and brand_id is not null and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
			when grouping (min_class_id,min_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(minclass_rn=1 and min_class_id is not null and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
			when grouping (mid_class_id,mid_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(midclass_rn=1 and mid_class_id is not null  and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
			when grouping (max_class_id,max_class_name) = 0
			then count(if(maxclass_rn=1 and max_class_id is not null and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
			when grouping (create_date) = 0
			then count(if(order_rn=1 and order_from = 'pcweb', order_id,null))
			else null end  as pcweb_order_cnt ,

        create_date as dt  --日期

from temp
group by
    grouping sets(
        create_date, --日期
        (create_date,city_id,city_name,trade_area_id,trade_area_name,store_id,store_name), --日期+城市+商圈+店铺
贡献者: 麦正阳